My work has a strong narrative element, usually anchored in specific contents that could be: a moment in history, a literature piece, theater, film, music, or architecture. I like to prepare a “set” around the subject, and then explore and play with the possibilities that are going to be discovered during the process.
“The Greeks tells us that Theseus received a thread as a gift from Ariadne. With that thread he found his bearings in the labyrinth, located the Minotaur, and slew him. The myth says nothing about the traces that Theseus left as he made his way through the labyrinth.”
“Freud, Sherlock Holmes, clues and scientific methods”, Carlo Ginzburg.

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The Sighting, Peugeot 404

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1930, Leipzig

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Maps of Silence – Swimmer

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Maps of Silence, Short

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Redwood trees

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The Message (calendar)

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Anfibia 24 de marzo

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